Dr. Kathryn M. Peck Volunteers at Orthopedics Workshop for Middle School Girls

Dr. Kathryn M. Peck volunteered to lead the Orthopedics workshops at the Curiosity, Confidence, Challenge on Saturday, March 7th at the Sycamore School. The conference is for middle school girls interested in careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Dr. Lauren Karbach, Brian Duetsch and Megan Albright, MS, OTR, CHT also volunteered their time for the conference. Dr. Karbach (current IHTSC fellow) and Brian (Synthes/DePuy) led a station where the girls were able to use saws and attach a plate for fracture fixation. Megan Albright, Professor from IUPUI and one of our former hand therapist, had a station where she taught the girls to make splints and discussed the need for therapy to assist with successful recovery after an injury to the upper extremity.
A special thank you to Dr. Karbach, Brian, Megan and Shari Campbell for volunteering their time and expertise to help promote awareness of orthopaedics.