William B. Kleinman MD Earns Two Prestigious International Awards as Leader in Hand Surgery

(Indianapolis, Ind.) Dr. William B. Kleinman, a founding member and senior partner of the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center, recently received two prestigious awards for his contributions to the field of hand surgery, the center announced today.
Dr. William Kleinman was honored by the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh) for his lifetime commitment to educating young surgeons in hand and upper extremity reconstruction. The Fellowship ad hominem award is an exceptional honor from the Royal College as it is uncommonly awarded by its Council, and rarely given to anyone from the United States.
Dr. William Kleinman received his award in Edinburgh, Scotland during a formal ceremony which also marked the 517th anniversary of the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). The College is the oldest surgical college in the world with nearly 30,000 members in 100 countries. It was founded by a Royal Charter from King James IV in 1505.
“It’s very difficult to put into words how humbling it is to be honored by the Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh),” Dr. Kleinman said. “I believe this recognition is a testament to the work we have pioneered right here in Indianapolis, work that has been supported by our patients, our partners, the medical community, and our peers around the world.”
Dr. William Kleinman also recently earned the “Pioneer of Hand Surgery” recognition by the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH). Dr. Kleinman was one of 28 members to receive the designation, joining 217 physicians around the world who have earned this recognition from their peers. The award was presented to Dr. Kleinman during a ceremony in London.
“While I am deeply honored by these recognitions, they would not be possible without the support of my partners and team at the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center,” Dr. Kleinman continued. “At the same time, I credit the spirit of Indianapolis and how this community invests in and is loyal to the world-class medical training and health care we are known for. I’m grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the city’s continued growth in the area of the health and life sciences and look forward to what the pioneers of the future will contribute to our profession.”
Dr. Kleinman and his wife Susan both hail from the New York City area and moved to Indianapolis over 40 years ago to help found the Center following his Orthopedic Residency and Hand Surgery Fellowship at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center.
About the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center:
The Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center is now in its 51st year. The center consists of 11 board certified surgeons and a team of 110 highly valued employees who provide care to the hand and the entire upper extremity. The center serves hospitals throughout central Indiana, with referrals from colleagues from all around the Midwest and throughout the United States. From its base in Indianapolis, the Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center has grown to 10 offices around Indiana, and 11 surgical locations, all devoted to serving patients in the most convenient and cost-efficient manner. Since its inception, the center has maintained an unparalleled commitment to teaching and clinical research. To date, the center has trained more than 260 hand surgeons in an intensive one-year fellowship, following the completion of their surgical residency program. These highly skilled physicians now practice and teach nationwide, at universities, hospitals, and in their own private practices all across the nation.