Pediatric Broken Wrist Treatment: Sawyer’s Story

I want to take a minute to share our story and give recognition to not only a wonderful doctor but an outstanding individual that I owe so many thanks to! Back in October a fall off of our kitchen bar stool, left my 3-year-old with a nasty fracture of both the ulna and radius bones in his left wrist. It was reduced in our local emergency room and casted for 4 weeks. Five days after getting that cast off, a slip in the kitchen proved to be too much for the just broken wrist and we found ourselves yet again in the ER with yet another break, this time of only the radius bone. A few days following that break my son was complaining of pain so I took him into our local Ortho doctor to get checked out, only to find that the bone had shifted the opposite way and would need a pin placed as soon as possible. This was the day prior to Thanksgiving of course and our local Ortho was wanting to do surgery that day at 4:00 in our local hospital. After so many dealings between the breaks and our local hospital having not seen many of these cases I was not interested in him having surgery and wanted a second opinion. Due to his pain I was unsure of what to do.
I quickly called my friend who is a hand specialist for a referral on who was the best and she advised we see Dr. Kathryn Peck. After a quick look over her bio while sitting in the office waiting for his previous Doctor to return, I was fortunate enough to have her call and speak with Dr. Peck’s nurse who then immediately called me and started gathering information, she even had me text a picture of our x-rays to present Dr. Peck. On Thanksgiving night I received a phone call from Dr. Peck herself with news that she had an opening for surgery the following morning. I was a ball of mess and literally crying on the phone as we went over the details and arrival times. Not once did she make me feel as though I was overreacting or out of control even though looking back it’s clear I was.
The following morning we arrived at Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. Meeting Dr. Peck for the first time it was clear she was referred to us as the best because she was indeed the best. Immediately after speaking with her my husband and I were at ease with putting our child’s health in her hands. I felt as though I was sending Sawyer with a lifetime friend who would treat him as though he were her own. I can’t begin to explain how thankful we are for her compassion. I had 5 million questions which were probably dumb and barely made sense as I tried to speak with nerves that made it hard to even breath. She hugged me before taking our little guy back and assured us everything would be fine.
We are now 8 weeks out from having his cast on and he is better than ever. There aren’t enough words in the dictionary to explain our thanks and gratitude for such an amazing woman but thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are forever grateful!
God Bless, Daniel & Ashley B.